Norway Signs A Lucrative Arms Deal For The Supply Of NSM Missiles To Germany

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Germany and Norway have strengthened their economic ties by signing an agreement for the supply of Naval Strike Missiles (NSM). The two countries already have a deal in place whereby Germany procures submarines from the Scandinavian country. They have now reached another agreement worth about $27million for the Norwegian company Kongsberg to supply NSM missiles to Germany. Kongsberg will partner with German company ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKM) to fit the NSM’s on several German Navy ships. Norway should supply the missiles by the end of 2018.

This latest arms deal has secured jobs for hundreds of Norwegian nationals. It is also a recognition of Norway’s superior skills in manufacturing missiles for submarines. The deal is a great win for Kongsberg, the company that will manufacture the missiles. But many small and medium enterprises will also benefit as subcontractors of the main company. Both Norway And Kongsberg expect a long relationship with Germany and anticipate future orders once they complete the delivery of the NSM

Norway Signs A Lucrative Arms Deal For The Supply Of NSM Missiles To Germany
Norway Signs A Lucrative Arms Deal For The Supply Of NSM Missiles To Germany

German Military

Germany is purchasing the NSM missile to boost its navy’s capabilities. Its military is the 10th strongest in the world. It has about 208,000 soldiers and an aircraft fleet of 714. The German Navy has about 81 ships and submarines and may be seeking to increase its naval strength.

The NSM Missile can be launched at targets both on the sea and on land. Its strength is that it can successfully attack even heavily defended targets. Acquiring a number of NSM missiles is sure to increase the capabilities of the German Military.

Norway Signs A Lucrative Arms Deal For The Supply Of NSM Missiles To Germany
Norway Signs A Lucrative Arms Deal For The Supply Of NSM Missiles To Germany

NSM Missiles

The NSM is the solo 5th generation long-range anti-ship missile on the planet. It is manufactured for the Norwegian Navy by Kongsberg Defence And Aerospace. The NSM is also the missile of choice for the Polish, Malaysian, Indian and German Navy’s.

The missile won first place in the ‘over the horizon’ weapon competition held by the US. This led to the US navy ship LCS getting an NSM installed. The NSM missile also has an excellent ability to break defense barriers. It is very hard to detect while in the sea due to its passive sensor technology as well as a low radar signature. It has great sea-skimming abilities and can perform difficult maneuvers. This is why the NSM can easily penetrate defense lines.

The missile can also easily identify and attack a large number of ship targets due to its internal library of ship profiles (Autonomous Target Recognition). It can be launched from a wide range of ships which is why numerous countries have decided to purchase it.

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